Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Whether you're a beginner, aspiring pro, or a card-carrying superstar, save time and boost your success with these simple and very powerful practice and rehearsal super-tips. Each is time-honored and practiced by more successful music-makers than there are notes in a Charlie Parker solo!

9. When practicing, spend no more than seven or eight minutes on the same section. Progress wanes after that. Come back to it later if you need to.

10. There is a specific number of times you must play something before it is mastered. If you can't play it correctly yet, don't criticize yourself. It simply means you haven't reached that number yet. Don't give up.

11. Most musicians go from "fast and wrong" to "fast and right," spending a lot of time correcting mistakes (aka: "learning it over"). Instead, go from "slow and right" to "fast and right," by simply speeding up an already-correct passage.

12. Play with purpose, fire and passion. You'll sound better, play better, and everyone will notice.

13. If you make a mistake, don't get upset and end up making more mistakes. Just say "oops," fix the problem, and get on with it. Be nonchalant about your mistakes and you will make far fewer of them in the long run.

14. There is such a thing as over-practicing. You've over-practiced if you find yourself sanitizing each and every note to the point when the thrill is gone, when the piece offers nothing more than tedium, if stupid mistakes crop up in a piece that was perfect last week. At the very least, give an over-rehearsed song a few days off.

15. Pauses and hesitations are symptoms that we are practicing a piece too fast, too soon. Slow it down, no matter how slow it needs to be, until the pauses are gone. Then, gradually speed it back up.

Put these practice tips into practice and watch your practice really start to make perfect!  

Until next time...
Stay tuned and play great.

Your Whiz-guru
Stan Munslow

“You've got to learn your instrument. Then, you practice, practice, practice. And then, when you finally get up there on the bandstand, forget all that and just wail.” ― Charlie Parker

Monday, March 24, 2014


Whether you're a beginner, aspiring pro, or a card-carrying superstar, save time and boost your success with these simple and very powerful practice and rehearsal super-tips. Each is time-honored and practiced by more successful music-makers than there are notes in a Charlie Parker Solo!

1. Practice at the same time each day. Let it become a habit. Work other commitments around your music.

2. Playing through song after song is not rehearsing; it's playing. Real practice involves hammering away on weak passages or sections until they shine.

3. When all is said and done, learning and mastering songs will do more for your musical ability and success than scales or exercises ever will.

4. Play strong and hard! It will improve your tone, help with speed, eliminate mistakes, and improve your confidence.

5. A cassette or mp3 recorder is one of the best practice aids there is. Record, listen to, and analyze your playing. In time, you will get used to having it on.

6. If you make a mistake while practicing, don't waste time by starting over. Fix the mistake right away. Then go on. You can start over later.

7. Strive for improvement, not perfection. Perfection is over-rated, impossible to obtain, and has no place in the arts.

8. Don't waste time "practicing" what you already know. Focus your efforts on those measures, sections, or pieces you can't play yet.

“Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of your horn. They teach you there’s a boundary line to music. But, man, there’s no boundary line to art.”    -- Charlie “YardBird” Parker

Until next time...
Stay tuned and play great.

Your Whiz-guru
Stan Munslow

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Greetings fellow music makers!  

In this installment, we’ll talk about mistakes, more specifically, our reactions to them.  Over the years I’ve seen musicians’ reactions to their mistakes run the gamut from a complete “who cares?” on up to catastrophic emotional meltdowns.  But most musicians do over-react to their minor slip-ups ... and even announce and cringe over them before they occur. Read on for my take on this subject.  

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- Excerpted from "GETTING GOOD, GETTING GREAT: What the Best Players Know" (c 2012 by Oaklight Publishing - LEARN MORE

I once taught piano to a woman who was, in many ways, an outstanding student: talented, intelligent, hard-working.  At first, she impressed me as someone who had everything going for her.  Then, as the pieces got harder (when mistakes become inevitable) a very different person would emerge.

It would typically go something like this: She would start to play the piece I had assigned her and everything would be fine.  But the instant she struck one wrong note she would let out a gasp that sounded as though someone had just landed a serious punch to her midsection.

"What's wrong?" I asked her the first time it happened, thinking I should call 911.

"Didn't you hear? I made a mistake!"

Then she would continue on, so distressed that her rendition was now "flawed" that the one mistake would snowball into ten more.  Nothing I told her about mistakes being a necessary part of learning ever seemed to help.  In time, I came to realize that, despite all her musical gifts, this woman never, ever seemed to enjoy her music.  She was too busy being fearful for mistakes to come, bitter over those that already had.

True, most musicians do not begrudge their every wrong note to quite this extent.  But many do focus too much of their attention on mistakes and attach too much importance to them. 

Our over-concern robs us of enjoying ourselves when we play, distracts us from appreciating that which we really did play well, and distracts us from playing the rest of the piece as well as we could.

Try this: The next time you play something wrong, just say "oops" and get on with it.  Don't curse, don't hit yourself or chastise yourself.  Don't blame yourself or the poor lighting or some mechanical problem with your instrument.  J ust say "oops," forgive yourself, fix the problem, and forget about it. 

Some may respond, "What? Forget about my mistakes? That sounds like a cop out to me.  How will I ever improve?"

Actually, saying "oops" is the best thing you can do if you want to improve.  For one thing, I did not say we shouldn't address our mistakes.  By all means fix them.  But don't punish yourself for making them.  Furthermore, the more you continue to focus on your human imperfections the more distracted you will become by them, and the more mistakes you will make. 

Instead, just fix and forget.

Playing music is a complex process that calls upon our skill, experience, coordination, knowledge, timing, reading, creativity, and more.  It interconnects our eyes, ears, muscles, breath, brain, and soul.  Distraction, apprehension, regret, and lowered self-confidence over a few mistakes, or even more than a few, are the last things we need.  If you learn to belittle your mistakes to the point of feeling nonchalant about them, you will make far fewer of them - and you will enjoy yourself a whole lot more.

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Until next time...
Stay tuned and play great.

Your Whiz-guru
Stan Munslow

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Greetings, fellow music-makers. 

In today's post we’ll focus on the subject of performance jitters, AKA: “Stage Fright.” Did you know that speaking / performing before others is ranked as the #1 fear in America? So if you’ve ever felt shaky before playing at a recital, audition, school concert, or family gathering ... you are not alone! And you are in very good company, I might add. The Beatles, Barbra Streisand, Carly Simon, Huey Lewis, and Britney Spears know exactly where you’re coming from! Read on.

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- Excerpted from my "Onstage and In-Control: 10 Easy Ways to Clobber Stage Fright." - LEARN MORE

Stage f-f-f-fright!

What a fear-invoking term! It can give a body the j-j-jitters just saying it. It sounds every bit as much like a curse as the name suggests. “Stage fright! Egad! Run!”

But, you know, language is a funny thing. Often the words we use help to create the very reality they describe.

Just imagine the probable outcome in life for a boy named “Fifi”by his parents.Or a girl named “Spike.” Reflect on the future performance of a capable worker labeled “incompetent loser” by his boss.

Yes, names, terms, and labels can easily create their own reality.

The same goes for those feelings we experience before and during a performance. With a name like “stage fright,” who wouldn’t feel afraid?

But what if you didn’t call it that? What if you knew that the feeling we call “fear,” or “fright,” is actually the exact same sensation as that which we call “excitement.” Same sensation, different label.

So, when we say we have stage fright, could it be that we are, in fact, excited about an upcoming performance and are simply mislabeling the feeling?

Furthermore, all feelings are actually forms of energy. Our fright, or excitement, is just that. It is the energy we need to do our best, to excite or inspire our audience, and to execute our music with enthusiasm, precision, and power.

So, when you’re hit with another bout of jitters, knotted stomach, or cold sweats, consider that perhaps you need a new, more positive label than “stage fright,” one that empowers rather than debilitates.

Consider that what you are feeling is perhaps better referred to as:

Performance Readiness Energy

Try saying that right now. Performance readiness energy. Get familiar and comfortable with it. Then consider yourself lucky that you have this energy to help you do a great job. To help you remain excited and on the ready. And consider the alternative: remaining un-energized, unfeeling, un-rearin’-to-go.

This puts a different spin on things, doesn’t it?  It’s hard to remain in the “grip of fear” if we refuse even to acknowledge that fear is what has its grip on us in the first place!

It’s hard to worry that our jitters are going to wreak havoc on our muscle control when we stop calling them jitters and begin to appreciate the fact that our muscles are about ready to burst at the seams with this very necessary rush of energy roaring through them, ready to put an extra spark of “juice” into our music just when we need it most.

“I’m not shaky,” you say.  “I’m pumped!”

Use the power of this more empowering term “performance readiness energy” in order to see your previously unwelcome feelings in a new light. Remember that the words you choose create the reality you experience. So choose wisely!

"I don't get stage-fright, I actually love the energy, I love the spontaneity, I love the adrenaline you get in front of a live audience, it actually really works for me."  -- Brooke Burke

From Stan Munslow's "Learn & Affirm" audio series.P.S.: Want to learn a whole lot more about whipping that "stage-fright?" Check my my unique "Learn & Affirm" audio program "Onstage and In-Control: Ten Easy Ways to Clobber Stage-Fright" available at CD Baby CLICK HERE

For all musicians, vocalists, and performers. This one-hour "learn & affirm program will give you the confidence you need to stay loose and perform your absolute best in front of any audience!

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Heya, music-makers ...

So, you're thinking of joining the ranks of the greats? That's admirable. Very cool, in fact. It's a very common ambition as well. Of course, many musicians who get "the calling" never get there; they never move from intention to reality.

In some cases, they could blame externals: An inadequate musical education, not enough time spent practicing and developing one's craft, not enough talent. But these excuses fall short when you consider the following: 

There are many great musicians who had little, if any, formal training; many have had to work their practice time around other responsibilities; and there is certainly no shortage of greats who started out with serious technical shortcomings and still managed to move many, many people.

Greatness is, indeed, a very broad term. There are so many things for people to be great at, and so many ways to be great at everything, that it seems to be quite the impossible term to define.

I'll get you started by sharing with you one of the very few things nearly all greats have in common. It applies to athletes, scientists, and writers. It also applies to chefs, police officers, and interior designers. And it certainly applies to musicians.

Greatness starts with desire. It doesn't matter what field you're talking about -- or what kind of musician -- greats have one unifying quality that sets them apart from the mediocre. They are filled with desire.

These people want to do what they do so bad it hurts. They don't just hope for it, they want it. They want it more than anything else. They can't picture themselves doing anything else. Great musicians want nothing more than to play. Many of them may have had a job unrelated to music, but that was just to pay bills. Music is why they are here. It's their purpose; their life's work.

Many of them may, for various reasons, never go on to find fame and fortune. Greatness has nothing to do with that. I've heard musicians who are true masters of music playing in clubs, leading church choirs, singing and playing for their sixth-grade class, even simply playing for occasional friends or family members. They're monsters on their instrument. And desire is what got them there. It's what made them practice and study and persevere.

That's the great thing about desire: It takes care of so many problems and obstacles. When you have the desire to be a great musician, nothing stands in your way. Desire propels you beyond whatever technical limitations you might have. It may take years, but desire gets you there. The desire to play helps you handle the pain of criticism, as well as to establish music as a priority in your life so that other less important distractions can be moved out of the way. It helps you to be more patient with yourself and your progress, to endure temporary setbacks, and to work around whatever weaknesses in your ability you can't overcome.

Desire empowers you to become great. It is like a magic pill that helps to give you whatever you need, be it energy, ability, knowledge, courage, or anything else that will make you the absolute best player you can be!

Until next time...
Stay tuned and play great.

Your Whiz-guru
Stan Munslow


Greetings, musicians of the world! 

Welcome to my brand-new blog: 

Life-Smarts ... Musician's Style

I describe it as "a weekly chorus of tips, practice savvy, pro secrets, and success strategies for all musicians who want to become the very best they can be."

Here, I'll show you what great musicians know:
  • Their practice secrets
  • Their inside knowledge
  • Their success strategies
I'll show you what great musicians have:
  • Their passion
  • Their wisdom
  • Their ability to move an audience
I'll teach you all that I know about persistence, confidence, and the "winner's attitude" you need to achieve your musical goals. And I will share with you the "tricks of the trade" of being a better musician so that you won't have to spend years learning them the hard way.

I am not going to show you how to play music; there are plenty of books, blogs, and other resources for that. I'm going to show you how to play music better -- a lot better.

And you can teach me something too. If there are topics you would like me to cover in future posts or questions you want answered, don't hesitate for a second to let me know!  I will do my best to make this blog as helpful as I can.

Finally, as an author I've written several books on the subject of being a great musician. I hope that you will check them out on my books page and add some valuable information to your success library!

Stay tuned and play great!

Your Whiz-guru,
Stan Munslow