Monday, March 24, 2014


Whether you're a beginner, aspiring pro, or a card-carrying superstar, save time and boost your success with these simple and very powerful practice and rehearsal super-tips. Each is time-honored and practiced by more successful music-makers than there are notes in a Charlie Parker Solo!

1. Practice at the same time each day. Let it become a habit. Work other commitments around your music.

2. Playing through song after song is not rehearsing; it's playing. Real practice involves hammering away on weak passages or sections until they shine.

3. When all is said and done, learning and mastering songs will do more for your musical ability and success than scales or exercises ever will.

4. Play strong and hard! It will improve your tone, help with speed, eliminate mistakes, and improve your confidence.

5. A cassette or mp3 recorder is one of the best practice aids there is. Record, listen to, and analyze your playing. In time, you will get used to having it on.

6. If you make a mistake while practicing, don't waste time by starting over. Fix the mistake right away. Then go on. You can start over later.

7. Strive for improvement, not perfection. Perfection is over-rated, impossible to obtain, and has no place in the arts.

8. Don't waste time "practicing" what you already know. Focus your efforts on those measures, sections, or pieces you can't play yet.

“Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of your horn. They teach you there’s a boundary line to music. But, man, there’s no boundary line to art.”    -- Charlie “YardBird” Parker

Until next time...
Stay tuned and play great.

Your Whiz-guru
Stan Munslow

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